Cheers to a Year of Tears!

I am not going to lie, 2018 was something else. I cried a lot.  At times, I felt like tears were my trademark.  But on this last day of 2018, I am nothing but grateful.  I am grateful for every tear because according to my own timeline, they were not all bad!  Check it out…

  • I cried during spring break. I literally laughed myself to tears as the kids and I took on kayaking for the first time and got lost in the river…hilarious!!!
  • I cried at my ordination. Bishop and Pastor, to my surprise, invited me to be an Elder in the Lord’s church.  What they didn’t know is that the call came at the perfect time. I’d just experienced a pretty big blow.  I was feeling void of purpose in so many ways, and I needed something big to revive me.  Not only did I feel revived, but I felt relieved. The loss I experienced made way for this gain!
  • I cried when I moved.  I had to move quickly because my house sold in four days. But my mom thought it was nothing to drive all the way from El Paso to help me move on Mother’s Day weekend. I’m telling you, the way she parents her grown children is overwhelmingly beautiful.
  • I cried walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. Yes, because I’m afraid of heights, but mostly because my babies held my hand the entire time. Their sweet gesture was strength for me. That moment with my children was priceless.
  • I cried right before I left for summer vacation. After weeks of uncertainty, I received a call saying I got the job I interviewed and prayed for! That made my trip so much sweeter.
  • I cried uncontrollably standing in front of the Mona Lisa. Why? Because all I could think was, the life God has for me is way better than the one I planned for myself.  As I beheld world history, I thought about my personal history and remembered spending my honeymoon alone at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas.  That trip introduced me to solo traveling…Hello Paris, France!
  • I cried for my friends. Between new homes, new businesses, book launches, album releases, and receiving nationally recognized awards, I can truly say I am proud of my circle. Each of them was given a different story, but they chose to grab the pen and write a different narrative.

Don’t get me wrong, 2018 had some serious lows.  I needed the support of my loved ones on multiple occasions.  But I’d be lying if I said nothing good came from 2018. If anything, it spoke to God’s intentional love and impeccable timing.  Just after spending hours crying about how “everything is a thing,” God would do a new thing…completely overwhelming yesterday’s woes. Every low moment was followed by a huge high; for that I am grateful. And to my strong support system, thank you for holding my hand.  Your sweet gestures were my strength over every bridge.

I am not going to lie, 2018 was something else. I shed a lot of tears…happy tears…because tears are my trademark…and I wouldn’t have it any other way!    

P.S. Happy New Year!!!!

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